Breast Augmentation
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Before & After Gallery
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Click HereHave you always wanted larger breasts? Have you lost volume after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss?
These are the most common reasons why women seek breast augmentation in Austin. The decision to undergo cosmetic breast enhancement surgery can be exciting and scary all at once. We understand this because we’ve been there. Dr. Ashley Gordon, and over half of the staff at Restora Austin have undergone breast enhancement surgery.
We know that you are excited about throwing out those padded bras and looking great in and out of your clothes, but you may be nervous about choosing the right breast implant size or looking fake.
When you choose Restora Austin for breast implants, you can put your fears to rest. Drs. Reid and Gordon have a reputation for creating the most natural-looking results. The fact that you have implants can be our little secret.
One of the keys to Drs. Reid and Gordon’s success is their commitment to individualized care. One size does not fit all, and many factors must be considered before you zero in on the best option. The goal of treatment should be to enhance, rather than to overwhelm. We want your breast implants to become your best accessory, and to never interfere with your lifestyle.
Breast Augmentation Consultation
We believe it takes two to tango, and patient involvement is very important in providing clients with top-notch services. You can learn by exploring our website, one of our passions is patient education. We believe the more information you have before your consultation, the more in-depth the conversation is when you come to meet with us. While the internet can be a fantastic resource and a great starting point for women curious about breast augmentation in Austin, much of the information is outdated and generic.
To make the most of your consultation, Drs. Gordon and Reid suggest your personal research is informative and reliable. Here are 3 websites that meet those criteria:
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons– official website of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery– official website of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
-– a website where patients ask questions of real plastic surgeons
Suitable Candidates for Breast Augmentation
We handle diverse clients of all shapes and sizes—nothing comes close to being typical. Breast enhancement is the number one cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States, so there isn’t a “typical” patient. Women choose implants for personal reasons; we have patients in their late teens to mid 60s who simply want to enhance their size. Many of our patients are women who once had full, perky breasts, but pregnancy or breastfeeding left their breasts deflated and sagging.
Women who are suitable candidates for breast augmentation surgery:
- Are physically healthy
- Have realistic expectations
- Have fully developed breasts, but are bothered they are too small
- Have breasts that lost shape or volume during pregnancy, weight loss, or aging
- Have breasts that are asymmetric
- Have one or more breasts that failed to develop normally
Patients who are not candidates for breast augmentation may be candidates for one of our other breast surgeries (breast lift, breast reduction, breast implant revision, nipple surgery).
Realistic Expectations for Breast Augmentation
This is an important question because we don’t want any patients to be disappointed with their results. Honest communication between you and your surgeon is of the utmost importance.
These are the three most common ideas that lead to unrealistic expectations for breast augmentation:
- that an implant alone will correct all issues with the breast
- that an implant alone will change the shape of the breast
- that all asymmetries will be corrected
To begin with, every woman has a different breast shape and breast structure, and the canvas we work with isn’t blank. Our surgeons will listen to your concerns about your breasts, and they will point out the unique features of your breast that will influence your final breast shape and position.
Many patients don’t realize that, although breast implants will certainly make their breasts larger, they won’t necessarily change their shape and their position on your chest wall. More so, breast implants cannot lift your breasts if your nipples are below the IMF (infra-mammary fold), and you may also need a breast lift.
It’s helpful when looking at before and after pictures of breast augmentation to not just look at the after photos. Look back and forth between the two images, and you’ll see what we mean. The before dictates the after. While breast implants can greatly improve the appearance of the breasts, they are not designed to correct or perfect every concern.

Breast Implant Size Options
The size you choose for your breast is important, so it is important to get it right. If your choice is too small, you will be disappointed, too large could lead to lower back pain and discomfort. Do your research and don’t rush.
Many feel that cup size is an important factor when choosing a size, but it’s not. Focus on the look you want. Pictures of friends or models could give your surgeon here at Restora Austin a good idea of your goals. Also, review our before and after breast augmentation images on this website.
The rice test is another way to determine your optimal size. Take a pair of pantyhose and cut off the boot section to both legs. Fill each with rice and place them in a sports bra. Experiment with different garments and volumes of rice. Take notes and bring them to the consultation.
Breast Implant Shape Options
Round and teardrop (anatomical) breast implants are the two basic shapes for breast implants. Your breasts shape is as unique as you, so your breast implant shape must be determined with great consideration.
A breast surgeon’s most popular choice is round due to its ease to insert and the lower revision ratio. Round breast implants are symmetric, so the shape is not affected if the implant rotates after placement.
Anatomical breast implants (teardrop) have a more natural appearance. These breast implants are more popular with patients whose breasts have been distorted from childbirth, breastfeeding, or extreme weight loss. Texturing of the breast implant has reduced the risk of rotating.
Type of Breast Implants
The two basic types of breast implants are saline-filled breast implants and silicone-filled breast implants. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
Saline-filled breast implants are plastic shells filled with sterilized saltwater. The FDA has approved saline-filled breast implants for women over the age of 18.
Many women prefer saline implants because of the cost. Saline implants are up to 25% less expensive than silicone. Another reason is the implant is inserted deflated, allowing for a smaller incision and less scarring.
The disadvantages of saline implants are many women complain they don’t feel natural, and over time they have been known to ripple.
Silicone gel breast implants are plastic shells filled with silicone gel. The FDA has approved silicone gel breast implants for women over the age of 22.
Advantages of silicone gel breast implants are they feel more natural and are less likely to ripple.
With silicone-filled breast implants, the implant is inserted full size in the breast tissue. This calls for a longer incision with a higher risk for scarring. Also, if the implant ruptures the silicone stays put, making it difficult to detect the rupture. Periodic check-ups are recommended.
Form stable breast implants are also known as gummy bear breast implants because they maintain shape if the implant shell ruptures. The silicone has a thicker consistency which makes them firmer and less likely to break.
What to Expect
Breast augmentation is usually an outpatient procedure. You will receive general anesthesia, and the surgery usually lasts about one to two hours.
During surgery, your Restora Austin surgeon makes incisions either around the nipples, underneath the breast crease, in the armpit, or in the navel – the incision depends on what you have discussed with your surgeon. Your surgeon will be careful to create and place the incisions in a way that minimizes any visible scarring.
Through the incisions, a small pocket for the implant, either between the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue or underneath the pectoral muscle is made. The Implant will be positioned within the pocket. The incision is then closed with sutures.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Thanks to modern surgical techniques that Restora Austin uses, recovery is not as long as it used to be. Often patients can return to work within a couple of weeks, but full recovery will be closer to two months.
During your initial recovery, your chest area and breasts will be bruised, swollen, and tender. To reduce swelling and pain, you should sleep upright in a recliner for a couple of days after surgery to make it easier to get up and down. Don’t have a recliner – no problem – prop yourself up in your bed. Also, avoid any strenuous activity for two to three weeks – take it easy, and allow your body to heal properly!
What Type of Bra to Wear
Right after surgery, you will be provided with a post-operative garment for support and healing. You will wear that for about a week.
After, a soft, comfortable bra, without underwires is desirable. Soft support will allow your implants to drop. After your implants settle, any bra you wish will suffice. In some cases, however, when the implants are positioned early on, a supportive bra will be recommended to hold the implants in place. This is common in reconstruction cases, and should your particular case need this, your surgeon will instruct you on using this garment.
Breast Augmentation Cost
For many patients, the costs of implant surgery are important. There is no standard fee, and costs are calculated by many factors. For a better idea of what your particular treatment plan will cost, feel free to call our office at 512-371-8817.
Breast Augmentation Complications
Possible surgery risks include:
- Anesthesia risks
- Bleeding/Hematoma
- Infection
- Changes in nipple or breast sensation
- Poor scarring
- A faulty position of the implant
- Leakage or rupture
- Capsular contracture
- Fluid acclamation
- Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
- Persistent pain
- The possibility of revision surgery
Austin’s Dr. Gordon or Reid will address these risks and any other questions you might have during your consultation.
Choosing the Right Breast Augmentation Surgeon
It is unfortunate, but any licensed doctor may perform surgery. This makes choosing your breast augmentation surgeon of paramount importance.
Qualifications and credentials are part of the factors in making a wise choice. Board Certification is a must as is good standing with the medical industry and community. You should also look at education – they should have had formal education and internships in plastic surgery, experience – they should have a good amount of years of practice under their belt, and satisfied patients – they should have favorable reviews and testimonials.
Why Restora Austin?
Our practice is built on word-of-mouth referrals from happy patients and our medical colleagues. For example, Dr. Gordon was named a Texas Rising Star in 2012 and 2013 and a Texas Super Doctor in 2014-2017, and Dr. Reid was named a Texas Super Doctor from 2013 to 2017.
Super Doctors identifies top doctors as selected by their peers and only 5% of physicians are named to Super Doctors and no more than 2.5% are named to the Rising Stars list. We have two of those docs under one roof! Imagine that – two world-class plastic surgeons right here in Austin, Texas!
Our board-certified plastic surgeons studied under leaders past and present in the field of plastic surgery at Emory University. They brought their expertise to Central Texas and are arguably the busiest aesthetic surgeons in Austin performing thousands of surgical procedures each year.
As an innovator and game-changer in breast augmentation among Austin plastic surgery practices, we tweak things a bit to provide clients with a customized approach. We do things a little bit differently here at Restora Austin as we constantly strive to provide the ultimate experience in plastic surgery. Our success as one of the busiest breast augmentation practices in the U.S.A. is a direct result of that experience and the connection we make with our patients. We want to give you a glimpse of what you can expect when you choose us, so what better way to do that than to chronicle the journey of one of our patients, Lauren, from her initial consultation to the day of her procedure as well as from her initial recovery to her six-month follow-up? The video entitled, “The Insider’s Guide to Breast Augmentation”, has been a great tool in eliminating the anxiety and fear of the ‘unknown’ and in providing an accurate overview of our specific process. Many of your questions will be answered, but more importantly, you’ll learn the reasoning behind Drs. Reid and Gordon’s approach. The video has been very well received by patients with many commenting that it answered questions they didn’t even know they had. We hope you find it helpful, too.
We couldn’t possibly cover everything related to the surgical placement of breast implants in the video, so we compiled a list of other commonly asked questions in the section below. Please continue reading the “HOT TOPICS; Breast Augmentation” in the section to the right as well. As you read, write down your list of questions and/or concerns and bring them to your consultation. We want to ensure you have all of the information you need to make this very important decision.
Breast Augmentation Basics
Which breast implant type is the best choice: Saline or Silicone?
When considering breast augmentation procedure, there are a lot of factors that go into making sure you get the results you desire, including the size of your implants and whether they’re placed above or below the pectoral muscles. However, one of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Restora Austin is whether saline or silicone breast implants are the better choice. There really is no universal answer, as every patient is different, and everyone requires something different.
The best way to determine if saline or silicone breast implants are the better choices for you is through a consultation with your plastic surgeon. They’ll take several things into consideration to help you make the best decision, including your lifestyle, your desired goals, and the integrity of your breast tissue and skin.
How much time will I have to take off of work during breast augmentation recovery?
If you have a job that is extremely physical and requires heavy lifting, you will need to take more time off of work than someone with a more sedentary profession. Your Restora Austin surgeon will give you specific instructions on post-surgical care and monitor your recovery along the way to ensure that it’s safe for you to return to work without hindering your recovery. Generally, patients are able to return to work after 1 to 2 weeks if their job requires them to sit at a computer or desk for the majority of the day. For patients with more active professions, it may require you to take anywhere from 3-4 weeks off of work
How long do I have to wait to exercise, drive, and lift things after my breast augmentation?
We encourage our patients to take cautious walks after their surgery in order to promote circulation and reduce swelling. However, you should not participate in any strenuous exercise or lifting of more than five pounds for approximately six weeks. This includes lifting your children, so ensure that someone is available to help you during the first few weeks of your recovery. You can drive after 1-2 weeks, but only if you no longer require prescription medication to manage any discomfort.
Can I breastfeed after my breast augmentation?
Yes, most patients are able to breastfeed after their augmentation. Just be sure to mention during your consultation that you wish to have children in the future and would like to breastfeed. This information will help your Restora Austin surgeon determine the best incision location and implant placement that will enable you to breastfeed later on. For example, the infra-mammary (under the breast) and trans-axillary (in the armpit) incision locations will not interfere with your ability to breastfeed.
Will I need to stop any of my medications before surgery?
You will be advised to stop taking certain medications and vitamins or herbal supplements that can contribute to excess bleeding 2 weeks prior to breast augmentation. You will be given a full list of medications to discontinue, but the most common ones are Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E and Aspirin. Please be sure to include all vitamins and supplements you are taking on your health history form.
Does smoking affect the healing process, and if so, how far in advance of surgery should I quit?
We recommend you quit smoking 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after breast augmentation. Smoking can lead to delayed wound healing and increase your risk of infection.
Will I need a mammogram prior to my surgery?
If you are under the age of 40 and do not have a family history of breast cancer, you do not need a mammogram prior to breast augmentation procedure. If you are close to 40, we may recommend that you have a baseline mammogram prior to surgery. If you are 40 or older, you will need a mammogram performed within the last year prior to surgery.
Will I need any other tests or blood work done?
Lab work will be performed prior to breast augmentation to ensure that you are not anemic, do not have an infection, and are not pregnant. Based on your medical history, you may be asked to have additional laboratory studies or other diagnostic tests to ensure your overall health and breast health.
This question comes up all the time, and depends on several factors, so we’ve dedicated an entire section to this topic: To Lift or Not to Lift.
This is a very important question, because we don’t want any patients to be disappointed with their results from breast augmentation. Honest communication between you and your surgeon is of the utmost importance.
These are the three most common ideas that lead to UNrealistic expectations in breast augmentation Austin:
- that an implant alone will correct all issues with the breast
- that an implant alone will change the shape of the breast
- that all asymmetries will be corrected
To begin with, every woman has a different breast shape and breast structure, and the “canvas” we work with isn’t blank. Our surgeons will listen to your concerns about your breasts, and they will point out unique features of your breast that will influence your final breast shape and position after breast augmentation. Many patients don’t realize that, although breast implants will certainly make their breasts larger, they won’t necessarily change their shape, and their position on your chest wall. More so, breast implants cannot lift your breasts if your nipples are below the IMF (infra-mammary fold), and you may also need a breast lift. It’s helpful when looking at before and after pictures to not just look at the after photos. Look back and forth between the 2 images, and you’ll see what we mean. The “before” dictates the “after”. While breast implants can greatly improve the appearance of the breasts, they are not designed to correct or perfect every concern.
At your consultation, we will discuss your unique “Breast-Print”. Think of this like your fingerprint. It’s unique to you and takes into consideration your specific breast anatomy like:
- the distance between your breasts
- prominence of your breast bone or sternum
- the position of your breasts on your chest wall
- the position of your right and left IMF (infra-mammary fold) or breast crease
- the distance between the bottom of your areola and the IMF
Here’s a list of other factors that will influence your result:
- your natural breast shape and size
- the quality of your skin, especially the dermis, which provides support
- elasticity of your skin (how much it stretches)
- the size, position and direction of each nipple and areola
- degree of projection of each nipple and areola
- the definition or strength of the IMF on each side
- curvature of your rib cage or prominence of certain ribs
- curvature of your spine (scoliosis)
With these points considered, Take a look in the mirror again or, better yet, take a picture of your breasts and see if you can identify some of these factors. Having knowledge of your unique features will help you better understand and project what results you can expect for yourself.
If you are able to communicate your goals and reasons for breast enhancement, then we’re off to a good start. We want to know what is motivating you to consider breast augmentation, so we can help you best achieve your aesthetic goals. You are an ideal candidate for breast augmentation if you are healthy and have specific concerns about the size and shape of your breasts. You should be internally motivated and are doing this for yourself and not due to pressure from your husband or partner. You also must have realistic expectations about what breast implants can and cannot achieve. While you may have an idea of what you want your “ideal” breasts to look like, it’s important to know that what nature has given you may limit the outcome. This will be discussed in detail during your consultation, and we will explain how your unique “Breast-Print” may affect your breast augmentation results.
We handle diverse clients of all shapes and sizes—nothing comes close to being typical. Breast augmentation is the #1 cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States, so there really isn’t a “typical” patient. Women choose breast augmentation or breast enhancement for very personal and diverse reasons. We have patients in their late teens to mid- 60’s who simply want to enhance their size. Many of our patients are women who once had full, perky breasts, but pregnancy or breastfeeding left their breasts deflated and droopy. Full, shapely breasts can make a woman feel more feminine, attractive and confident, so it’s no wonder that more and more women are choosing breast augmentation.
Make Your Appointment for a Breast Augmentation Consultation Today
Call 512-371-8817, or Contact Us, for your consultation visit today.
Breast Augmentation Before and After Gallery
Take a look at our photo gallery to see real patient results.
Breast Augmentation Reviews
Dr. Gordon and the Team,
I wanted to find a way to thank you all to the best of my ability for changing my life. But, there are no gifts or words that could truly express my gratitude for all you’ve done for me. I never thought it’d be possible in this lifetime for me to ever be comfortable in my body. Not only have y’all given me confidence, you’ve given me happiness as well! Thank you all so much for your kindness and your time.
Dr. Reid and Team,
I wanted to send you a note to thank you for taking such good care of me! From the first visit with you, you made my husband and I feel so comfortable and welcome. I am so happy with the results of my surgery! Thank you and we hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving! See you in January.