Risks of Breast Augmentation
What Are the Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Risks and uncertainties are inherent with any surgery. This is why it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon that has knowledge and experience in managing any complication with the highest level of care. Breast augmentation is a very safe operation, and complications occur infrequently. Infection, loss of sensation, scarring, hematoma or accumulation of blood around the implant, implant malposition, contraction of scar tissues around the implant (capsular contracture), asymmetry, rippling, deflation or leakage can occur. It is important that you give us a complete medical history during your initial consultation and follow all post-op instructions. This will minimize your chances of experiencing a complication. Infection is prevented through the use of antibiotics during and after surgery. Hematomas are avoided by discontinuing the use of any medications that can affect bleeding like Aspirin, Advil or Ibuprofen for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery and by having you limit your physical activity after surgery. Placing the implants in the submuscular position, using the infra-mammary incision and using the Keller funnel reduce your risk of capsular contracture significantly. We will also teach you massage techniques at your first post-op appointment, which will help to keep your breast capsules soft.
What is the Risk for Decreased or Lack of Nipple Sensation After Surgery?
Changes in sensitivity to the breasts and/or nipples can occur after surgery. In most cases, this is transient and improves with time. In about 5% of cases, the changes are permanent.
Is There a Risk of Implant Material Leaking Into My Body?
Implant rupture can occur with silicone or saline implants. The rates of rupture are very low and are about 1% per year. If you have a saline implant rupture, you will know immediately because your breast will appear flat and deflated. The saline is completely absorbed by the body and naturally eliminated. If you experience a silicone gel rupture, the silicone is cohesive, so it will not leak or bleed into your tissues. If you have a suspected rupture, we may order an MRI or ultrasound. If the shell were not intact, an implant exchange would be performed.
Do Breast Implants Increase My Risk of Developing Breast Cancer?
No. According to an October 2000 report by the National Institutes of Health, researchers found no association between breast implants and the subsequent risk of breast cancer. Cancer is not detected at a later stage in women with implants, nor is it harder to treat.
Will I Be Able to Breastfeed in the Future?

In most cases, breast implants do not affect the ability to breastfeed or produce milk. Even if you experience difficulty breastfeeding, it may not necessarily be related to your augmentation. Some studies report that 15% of women who have never had surgery on their breasts cannot adequately breastfeed. A periareolar incision, which is closer to the nipple, may interrupt or divide the milk ducts that bring milk from the glandular tissue of the breasts to the nipples.
Is Breastfeeding Safe in Women Who Have Silicone Breast Implants?
Yes. There is no indication that mothers with silicone implants pass silicone on to infants when breastfeeding.
All Mentor MemoryGel implants come with Mentor’s Premier Advantage Warranty, which provides for free lifetime replacement of both gel-filled breast implants in the event of a rupture. Mentor provides an additional $3500 in financial assistance. Mentor offers two options, Standard or Enhanced Limited Warranty, for saline implant replacement. If you choose saline implants, the differences will be discussed with you at your consultation. After your procedure, you will be given a breast implant identification card with your implant serial numbers.
Well, now you know everything you need to know about breast implants and augmentation! We hope you found our information helpful. Please let us know if we omitted anything. Whether you seek a subtle or dramatic increase in your breast size, our surgeons at Restora Austin will offer you an individualized surgical plan to achieve your desired look. Call 512.371.8817 today to set up your consultation. We can’t wait to meet you!
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