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Liposuction or a Tummy Tuck: Which One Is Right for You?

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Tummy troubles? Many men and women assume that a saggy belly is an inevitable part of getting older. We’re here to tell you that you can fight back and reclaim a tight, flat mid-section once again. Liposuction or a tummy tuck could be your key to zapping that belly bulge once and for all. Which one is right for you? Find out below and then call us to schedule your consultation.

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

The abdomen is a common problem area for unwanted fat. Once you’ve gained fat in the middle, it can be extremely difficult to lose. Liposuction removes unwanted fat from localized areas, reshaping the area. This treatment is ideal for patients that are close to their ideal weight with good skin tone, but struggling with fat bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Liposuction doesn’t remove excess skin, so that’s why the treatment is best suited to patients with good skin elasticity and tight skin. We perform SAFELipo, a powerful body contouring procedure that reshapes the body while removing fat. It offers unparalleled skin contraction for a smoother, tighter final result.

Is a Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

A tummy tuck is designed to rejuvenate your middle. This procedure is very popular after pregnancy and weight loss. During a tummy tuck we remove excess skin and fat, tighten abdominal muscles, and restore a flat appearance to the abdomen. A tummy tuck will remove the stretch marks below the belly button, but any stretch marks above the belly button will remain. These can be treated with laser. This procedure is popular with both men and women.

Choose a tummy tuck if you have loose skin and excess fat. A tummy tuck is also an excellent option for women that have a “mommy tummy,” or a slight abdominal bulge, even though they are no longer pregnant.

Do I Need Both a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Who says you need to choose between liposuction and a tummy tuck? If you have excess fat and loose skin, you can choose both. We offer our “Tummy Tuck 360,” a unique body-contouring procedure that helps you look amazing front and back, side to side. We like to say that the “Tummy Tuck 360” is shrink-wrap for your middle. It combines a tummy tuck with SAFELipo of the back, bra roll and flanks to fully transform your entire trunk!

Still on the fence about the best option for you? Call our offices and schedule a consultation with Dr. Reid or Dr. Gordon for personalized advice about the best treatment options for you. Call today!

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