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Double Chin: Causes and Treatment

So, you’ve got a double chin. Don’t worry, the condition is very common. It is also very treatable. At Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre, we can tighten loose skin and remove excess fat, improving facial contours and eliminating the dreaded double chin. Call us to schedule a consultation and explore your options for treating fat under the chin.

What Causes a Double Chin?

A double chin, also called submental fullness, occurs when fat deposits accumulate underneath the chin and jaw. The condition is very common, and one survey found that 49% of respondents felt the under chin area negatively affected their appearance. Double chins develop for many reasons. Genetics, age, and weight all can contribute. If you’re predisposed to this condition, there is little you can do to avoid it.

If you have a double chin, treating it on your own can be difficult. Losing and gaining weight is a whole-body experience and it isn’t possible to spot treat a specific area without help from a doctor or plastic surgeon. If you’re overweight, losing a few pounds may improve the appearance of your double chin. If you’re already at a healthy weight, you need to come see us and explore our treatments for double chin.

Treating a Double Chin- What Are My Options?

If you have a double chin, you’ll probably need help getting rid of it. We’ve got you covered. We offer both surgical and non-surgical treatment options for addressing submental fullness. Come in for a consultation to discuss the pros and cons of each option. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will help you choose the best solutions for rejuvenating this common trouble spot.

  • Kybella- Our non-surgical option for removing fat under the chin is an injectable treatment called Kybella. This FDA-approved treatment uses deoxycholic acid, a natural occurring substance that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat, to dissolve and destroy unwanted fat cells. Kybella is injected under the chin using a series of small, carefully placed injections. Kybella is non-surgical and offers effective results with little to no downtime. Most patients require 2-4 treatments for an ideal result.
  • Submental Liposuction- Liposuction gives our surgeons the most control and flexibility for treating fat under the chin. We can control how much fat is removed and which areas are targeted. We sculpt and shape the area to create the best possible result. The procedure starts with small incisions. These incisions are used for access as a cannula, or small tube, is used to loosen, suction, and remove fat. We perform a type of liposuction known as SAFELipo that improves results by removing unwanted fat and repositioning any remaining fat. SAFELipo allows us to do more than just remove fat. We reshape the entire area for smooth, long-lasting results. We also use VASER, ultrasound assisted liposuction, in cases where we need skin tightening, along with fat removal. Renuvion, a new skin tightening device, is great for mild to moderate laxity and can be used alone or in combination with SAFELipo or VASER. We will develop a customized plan based on your specific anatomy and concerns.

All options offer unique benefits and our skilled surgeons obtain great results with all of the above modalities. It’s about matching the right technique/technology to the patient. Fat cells don’t regenerate, and once they are destroyed, they won’t return. Once we achieve your final result, retreatment is not expected. Of course, skin continues to age, so you may need touchups in the future if skin laxity recurs.

Are you bothered by your double chin? You may not be able to control when and if a double chin develops, but you can take charge and treat it if it does occur. Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre is a top choice for treating submental fullness in the Austin, TX area.

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