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5 Breast Augmentation Myths: Debunked

breast augmentation

Breast augmentation continuously tops the charts as the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the U.S. There are many common reasons why women seek breast augmentation in Austin. Large breasts are not genetically gifted to every woman; in fact, many women grew up having a flat chest, or perhaps they lost a lot of their breast volume after losing a significant amount of weight.

At Restora Austin, Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon are passionate about patient education. With the belief that the more information patients have before their consultation, the more in-depth the conversation can be during your consultation and the better your breast augmentation results will be. While the internet can be a fantastic resource, it is full of outdated information. Despite its popularity, there are quite a few myths and misunderstandings circulating about breast augmentation. Let’s debunk the myths and discover the truth about breast augmentation.

Myth: Breast Augmentation Is Only for Young Women

You might have heard that breast augmentation is only for women in their 20s and 30s. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Breast augmentation isn’t just for women with a naturally small cup size; it is also a wonderful way to restore some of the volume that breasts lose due to aging, pregnancy, and childbirth. Many women opt for their first breast augmentation long after they’ve finished having (and even raising) children. In 2014, more than 84,000 women had breast augmentation between the ages of 40-54, with nearly 7,000 more opting for surgery at 55+. We’ve even had patients in their 70s decide it was time to finally have the breasts they’ve always wanted. As long as someone is healthy, age isn’t a factor. Whether you’re in your 20s or 60s, breast augmentation is an excellent way to increase breast volume and realize the breasts of your dreams.

Myth: Saline Breast Implants Are the Safest Implants

Which implant type is best for you? While some women opt for saline implants, you’ll find that most women are now choosing cohesive gel silicone breast implants because they look and feel more natural. These 4th and 5th generation gel implants are safe and are very different from the old gel implants used in the 1980s. You might recall that silicone implants were taken off the market and studied for 16 years before being returned to the market. Unfortunately, many people still believe the myths that these implants can cause breast cancer and autoimmune disorders.

Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon can help you determine the right implant for you based on your anatomy and aesthetic goals. Watch this Plastic Surgery Channel video of both doctors discussing the evolution of breast implants, including the vast improvement of silicone gel as well as the volume and cohesive nature of the implants.

Myth: You Can’t Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation

Are you hoping to breastfeed someday when you have children but looking for full, perky breasts today? If so, breast implants are a safe option. Most women, after breast augmentation, go on to breastfeed their babies successfully. Certain incision types and implant placements will increase your chances of future breastfeeding, so let us know if this is a priority for you.

Myth: Bigger Is Always Better

When it comes to breast implants, bigger isn’t always better. Our goal is to enhance, not overwhelm, your figure. We want your implants to become your best accessory, one that you wear with pride every single day. We accomplish this by listening to our patients. What do your ideal breasts look like? Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon also use their in-depth understanding of anatomy to offer recommendations for implants that will fit your frame and your chest wall. They don’t just focus on the size; they focus on the look you want. Your breast augmentation at Restora Austin will be personalized for you, as our surgeons don’t subscribe to a “one size fits all” mentality.

Myth: Breast Implants Fix Sagging Breasts

One thing is certain: breasts are prone to sagging. Breast augmentation alone may not be the solution if you have sagging breasts, also called breast ptosis. Yes, implants can increase your size and correct a little bit of sagging, but if the sagging is moderate to severe, a breast lift paired with augmentation will give you the best result. This combo procedure works excellently because the breast can be lifted and reshaped, and an implant is used to add volume. During your consultation, we will thoroughly examine you to determine whether an augmentation alone or a lift + augmentation will help you achieve your goals.

Myth: Implants Last Forever

While implants are long lasting, they aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime. Patients must sometimes undergo a secondary surgery at some point in their life, a procedure called an implant exchange.

Over time, some implants require replacing if:

  • the initial implants rupture
  • the patient wishes to replace their initial implants with a new type of implant
  • the patient wishes to exchange their implants for a different size
  • they are experiencing wrinkling or rippling in their implants

Have you heard any of these breast augmentation myths? If you’re considering implants, come in for a personalized consultation and discover the truth about breast augmentation. You’re going to love your new look!

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