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Get Your Hair Back – The NeoGraft 4-1-1


Are you losing your hair? Don’t let it go without a fight. With NeoGraft, you can restore your hair while minimizing downtime and complications. Get your full head of hair back!

What Is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is the most advanced option for hair replacement available today. It is a form of follicular unit extraction, also known as FUE, where units of 1-4 hairs are removed without an incision and transplanted to the donor site. Since NeoGraft doesn’t use large incisions to harvest or transplant hair, the risks of surgery are reduced, scarring is minimized, and many patients can return to work with almost no downtime.

What Should I Expect from NeoGraft Treatment?

NeoGraft uses no scalpels and no linear incisions. A small, handheld device removes single hair follicles from the donor area (often the back or side of the head), using gentle rotation and suction. Since NeoGraft transplants small units of 1-4 hairs, no sutures are needed. The “punch”, or segment of hair, is carefully prepared for transplantation and then placed in strategic locations across the hairline and crown. We focus on choosing the best areas for placement, ensuring the hair will grow in the best direction possible.

To maximize your results from NeoGraft, our surgeons carefully select the locations for both donor extractions and transplant placement. Our attention to detail helps us achieve the best possible results for our patients.

NeoGraft steps

What’s Recovery Like After NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is minimally invasive and offers an easier recovery than many of the other surgical hair transplantation methods. Patients typically experience the most discomfort in the first 24-48 hours, but this can vary depending on your body’s healing response. You will likely be able to resume work and many of your regular activities in just 24 hours.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

Your NeoGraft results will vary depending on a variety of factors. We can give you a better estimate for the type of results you can achieve during your consultation. You should know that hair transplantation isn’t a quick fix. It is a process. After your hair transplantation is complete, you may lose many of your donor hairs. Don’t worry; they do grow back, but it can take several months to see your full results. Just remember that the end game is getting your hair back!

Is NeoGraft Just for Men? Can Women Benefit from NeoGraft Too

NeoGraft isn’t just for men. Women who are experiencing certain types of hair loss may be able to benefit from NeoGraft. If you’re losing your hair, contact us to learn more about the procedure.

Call today and schedule your NeoGraft consultation at Restora Austin.

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