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Afraid of Looking Scared After a Brow Lift? Let’s Debunk That Myth

brow lift

Many of our patients who would benefit greatly from a brow lift worry that their results might leave them looking a little scared or surprised. They have likely seen men and women with a permanent “deer in the headlights” look after brow lift surgery, but innovative plastic surgeons, like Drs. Gordon and Reid, don’t use the techniques that lead to that look. The good news is that brow lifts have come a long way. You no longer need to worry about looking scared or surprised—a brow lift can help you look younger and revitalized. Call us today at Restora Austin and learn more about this rejuvenating surgery.

Brow Lifts, Then and Now

For decades, brow lift surgeries focused on actually lifting the brows, making them higher on the forehead. The thought was that this would rejuvenate a patient’s look but, in reality, it caused them to look older or permanently startled. At Restora Austin, we realize that these traditional methods aren’t the best way to achieve rejuvenation in the brow area. Just as important as brow position is brow shape. Our brow lift focuses on creating your perfect brows, not just lifting them up.

By utilizing modern techniques and a deep understanding of facial anatomy, Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon can perform brow lifts that transform the face in a positive way. We can correct asymmetrical brows, brows that have lost their arches, deep forehead creases, brows that are too low, and more. Surgery isn’t always needed, although it is often the most effective and permanent option. Non-surgical correction using Botox or Xeomin can produce stunning results, as well. Dermal fillers are another non-surgical option, and they are very effective in the brow area since some drooping of the brow is the result of hollowing in the temples. Dermal fillers can restore volume to the temples, and this alone, can sometimes lift the outer brow. During your consultation, we’ll examine your anatomical features to determine whether surgical or non-surgical treatments are most appropriate for you.

A Little Prevention Goes a Long Way

For patients who aren’t quite ready for a brow lift and those who would like to ensure they will never need one, we can discuss preventative treatments that may stop or slow many of the common problems in the brow area. Starting early is key with these preventative measures, so don’t wait to schedule your appointment!

Brow lifts are notorious for making people look scared, but things have changed. After a brow lift at Restora Austin, you’ll look refreshed, not frightened. Call today and book your consultation.

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