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Is the Tummy Tuck 360 Right for You?

Life has 360 degrees. Your tummy tuck should too. A traditional tummy tuck offers results for the front of your torso, but we want to transform your entire mid-section. Our Tummy Tuck 360 provides 360 degrees of results, transforming the tummy, waist, back, and more. It is so effective that we like to call it our “shrink wrap” procedure as it truly tightens, shrinks, and perfects your entire torso. Learn more about the Tummy Tuck 360 by scheduling a personalized consultation at Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre.

How Is the Tummy Tuck 360 Different from a Traditional Tummy Tuck?

A traditional tummy tuck can transform the tummy, but although impressive, the results are concentrated in that one area. If you’ve looked at “before and after” photos of tummy tuck patients you may noticed that the front looks stunning, but the backside appears unchanged. Some patients even have a boxy, disproportionate appearance. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon wanted to improve the results tummy tuck patients experienced, so they developed a new surgical procedure that transforms the entire trunk, hence the name, the Tummy Tuck 360. You’ll see stunning changes around your entire middle from the bra roll to the top of buttocks, all 360 degrees of you.

What Results Can I Expect After the Tummy Tuck 360?

You’re looking for transformation and you’ll certainly get it with the Tummy Tuck 360. Our patients love their flat, tight abs, their sleek, smooth back, and their sexy curves after the procedure. You’ll enjoy all the aesthetic benefits of a tummy tuck, like removal of excess skin and fat, skin tightening, etc., and the many benefits of SAFELipo including skin tightening, fat repositioning, and body sculpting, in one procedure.

Get a good idea of what results to expect by browsing our gallery of Before and After photos. If you like what you see, and we’re certain you will, give us a call and schedule your consultation. This will give us an opportunity to sit down together, examine your body, and discuss your potential results. We’ll be able to provide detailed information about the results you can expect during your consultation.

 Are You Ready to Learn More About the Tummy Tuck 360?

Transform your middle with the Tummy Tuck 360. This revolutionary procedure was developed by our own Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon and we are among the first plastic surgery practices to offer this one-of-a-kind treatment. Schedule your consultation today.

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