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Treat Yourself to a Breast Augmentation This Holiday Season

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Your best holiday gift this year won’t fit in a box under the tree, but you certainly can show them off in your ugly Christmas sweater, or not! This year, give yourself the gift of breast augmentation. If you’ve always dreamed of bigger, shapelier breasts, now is the time to finally take action. Call and schedule your breast augmentation consultation today.

The Holidays Are a Wonderful Time for Breast Augmentation

There’s no one perfect time for breast augmentation, but the holidays are an excellent time to schedule your procedure. Many patients have extra time off during the holidays, making it easier to schedule downtime for surgery. Colder winter weather can make recovery easier since it is much easier to hide your new assets as they heal under layers of clothing. Best of all, come in for breast augmentation this winter and your breasts will be bikini ready come spring! What are you waiting for?

Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

Have you always dreamed of better breasts? Did you lose breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding? Would you like to rejuvenate your breasts? Women choose breast augmentation for many different reasons. Our goal is to work with you to ensure stunning, natural looking results no matter your reason for considering breast augmentation. Choose breast augmentation for you, not for anyone else. If you want to feel more feminine and enhance your breasts, schedule your breast augmentation consultation to learn if this procedure is right for you.

Treat Yourself to Breast Augmentation- Financing and Payment Options

We know that many patients feel a little strapped for cash during the holiday season. We offer a wide variety of payment and financing options to make it easier to pay for your procedure. At Restora Austin, we accept payment by cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and/or Discover. If you need financing, CareCredit and Alphaeon are great options. These companies offer a variety of payment plans to fit any budget. We’ll discuss cost and payment options during your consultation.

Treat yourself this holiday season to the gift you’re really wanting: your dream breasts. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon are two of the area’s best breast surgeons. Call and schedule your consultation at Restora Austin today.

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