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Breast Surgery Sizes: What’s the Best Size for You?

Not too big and not too small, and just the perfect size! We want to help you find the breast size that’s just right. As you prepare for your breast surgery we’ll work closely with you to choose a breast size that complements both your goals and your anatomy. Gorgeous breasts are waiting, so give us a call and schedule your breast surgery consultation today.

What’s Your “Breast-Print”?

Just like your fingerprints, your breasts are unique to you. Your natural “breast-print” may limit our options in achieving your ideal breasts. The shape of your breasts, the position of your lower breast crease, asymmetries, nipple position, and breast size can all impact your end result. We’ll talk with you about your “breast-print” and help you understand what your specific options are, considering your anatomy and desires. We want you to know exactly what’s possible before surgery. We’ll also use Vectra 3D computer imaging to help illustrate your “breast-print”.

Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift or Breast Reduction- Which Procedure Is Right for Me?

When it comes to significantly changing breast size, breast augmentation and breast reduction are your primary options. Breast augmentation is for patients that want to increase breast size. During breast augmentation an implant is placed behind the chest muscle, adding volume and enhancing the shape of the breasts.

Breast reduction is for patients wanting to reduce breast size. During this procedure, excess skin and tissue are removed and the breast is reshaped and lifted.

A Breast Lift alone can be done if your primary goal is a better position on the chest wall with a better shape and if you are ok being a little bit smaller.  If you desire a lift, but don’t want to be smaller and/or want to be larger, the lift can be combined with an augmentation. The possibilities are endless!

We’ll work closely with you to determine your ideal size before breast augmentation, lift or reduction.

Choosing Your Implant Size

Our breast augmentation patients have the opportunity to “test drive” their implants as part of their breast augmentation consultation. Your surgeon and our nurses will work with you to try on recommended implant sizes. We often take pictures to give you a better idea of how you’ll look with each implant size. Come in and check out how you’ll look with different implant options and sizes.

Take your time making the implant size decision. We want you to avoid future surgeries from choosing the wrong size. Think about what you want and what your goals are for surgery as you make your decision. We’ll help you every step of the way so you can choose the best size for your new breasts.

Are you thinking about changing your breast size? Schedule a breast surgery consultation at Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre to learn more about your options. You need information about your “breast-print” to know what your options are. A consultation is one of the best ways to start the process. Call and schedule yours today!

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