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Is There A “Right Age” To Have A Breast Augmentation Performed?

There are many factors to address when considering breast augmentation. In addition to your health, financial situations, current lifestyle, and life plans, age is also a defining factor. While there is an age requirement for a breast augmentation set by the FDA, there isn’t a set age that is universal for all women. In fact, each woman should consider all the factors involved and make an informed decision for herself.

If you are in the Austin area, considering breast augmentation, and would like to discuss these factors with an experienced plastic surgeon, please contact Restora Austin to schedule a personalized consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Gordon or Dr. Reid.

The “Right Time” For A Breast Augmentation

The FDA recommends breast augmentation for women 18 and older using saline breast implants. If you’re interested in silicone breast implants instead, the minimum age recommended by the FDA is 22. The primary reason it’s encouraged to wait until you’ve reached adulthood is to be sure that your breasts have fully matured. Waiting ensures that your results will be long-lasting and won’t be altered by additional growth.

Breast Augmentation for 18-25

One primary reason for having breast augmentation done between the ages of 18-25 is due to self-image. Women born with a flatter chest or small breasts often wish to undergo breast augmentation as soon as they reach adulthood to help with their self-image. There are several things to consider before committing to surgery:

  • Finances
  • Children

First, it’s important to be sure that you can afford the cost of elective surgery. Second, pregnancy alters the breasts and can impact the results of breast augmentation. Lastly, make sure that your lifestyle will not be impacted by the recovery and time off required to undergo a breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation for Mothers

Pregnancy is a life and body-altering event in a woman’s life. Breasts tend to enlarge during breastfeeding, the skin often stretches, and as the breasts lose their volume once the breast milk wanes, women find they have sagging and loose skin. Breast augmentation is an excellent solution for women who are finished adding to their families and wish to restore their breasts’ pre-pregnancy shape and size.

Breast Augmentation For Signs of Aging

As we get older, our skin produces less collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid— three important substances that keep our skin young and firm. Like other areas of the face and body, the breasts go through a transformation due to the decrease of these lost proteins. Women often lose fat volume in the breast, causing them to deflate. A breast lift with implants can add that volume and shape back to the breasts.

Breast Augmentation in Austin, Texas

Ultimately, breast augmentation is about personal goals, not age. At Restora Austin, we work with women of all ages who want to improve their breasts. We understand that every woman has her own personal reasons and goals for considering breast augmentation. To learn more about breast augmentation at Restora Austin, don’t hesitate to call (512) 371-8817 or fill out an online form to schedule your consultation today!

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