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Discover Your Summer Body- Plastic Surgery Procedures to Get Ready for Summer

We all want to look our best year-round, but especially during the summer. Teeny tiny swimsuits and trips to the beach have their way of encouraging cosmetic improvement. Discover your best body this summer and beyond at Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre.

Gynecomastia Treatment- Say Goodbye to “Man Boobs”

Do you want a flat, masculine chest? Gynecomastia, or excessive breast tissue in men, is a very common problem, affecting a majority of men at some point during their lifetime. It can be uncomfortable or embarrassing, especially during the summer. The good news is, gynecomastia is very treatable. Surgery offers immediate and permanent results. We’ll work with you to create a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns.

  • Liposuction- If you have fatty breast tissue, liposuction is one of the most effective ways to remove it. We may be able to remove denser breast tissue using SAFELipo or ultrasound assisted liposuction, VASER. Liposuction is one of the safest ways to treat gynecomastia with fewer post-operative complications. A thorough examination will help us determine if its right for your situation.
  • Excision- Glandular tissue typically requires surgical excision for removal. We use excision to remove dense tissue below the nipple, to remove excess skin, and to adjust areola size. Some patients may benefit from minimally invasive excision techniques, allowing the tissue to be removed through a very small (5mm) incision located on the edge of the areola.
  • Liposuction and Excision– The most common surgical treatment for gynecomastia involves a combination of surgical excision and liposuction. This allows us to treat all areas of the chest.

SAFELipo & VASER Hi Def Lipo- Shape and Sculpt Your Best Body

You don’t have to be born with a perfect body to achieve one. SAFELipo and VASER Hi Def liposuction can shape and sculpt your body, giving you those enviable curves. Get rid of body bulges and discover sexy lines. At your consultation, we’ll discuss which technology is best to achieve your desired goals.

SAFELipo and VASER are superior alternative to traditional liposuction for many patients. Fat removal is just one part of the procedure. For the surgeons at Restora Austin, it’s all about contouring, not just about de-bulking.

Laser Hair Removal- Imagine a Summer Without Shaving!

For many of our patients, shaving is one of the worst parts of summer. It takes so much time, and the hair just grows back. Laser hair removal can help you to ditch the razor and enjoy your smoothest legs ever.

We offer Forever Bare BBL to permanently reduce unwanted hair. This treatment can be used on the face or body. For summer, we recommend treating the legs, underarms, or bikini area. It works best on patients with light skin and dark hair.

Love your body this summer. Call and schedule your treatments today.

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