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Combining a Tummy Tuck with SAFELipo: The Restora Austin Tummy Tuck 360™

restora2Would you like to “shrink wrap” your mid-section? In most plastic surgery practices a tummy tuck is just that… a TUMMY tuck. The patients look great from the front, but from the back they still look the same with bra rolls, back fat, and a muffin top. At Restora Austin, we do our tummy tuck differently by treating the entire trunk, not just the front. Dr. Gordon and Dr. Reid’s unique variation on the tummy tuck, the Tummy Tuck 360™, completely transforms the torso.

It’s not just a mommy makeover, it’s a before baby body! Let’s take a look.

How Is the Tummy Tuck 360™ Different?

A traditional tummy tuck involves removing excess skin and fat below the belly button and tightening the abdominal muscles. The Tummy Tuck 360™ combines a tummy tuck with SAFELipo for a total trunk transformation. This procedure addresses the entire circumferential trunk, from the bra roll to the top of the buttocks.

SAFELipo is the key to amazing results of this procedure. SAFELipo takes liposuction to a new level by combining fat removal with fat grafting and gives unprecedented skin contraction. This allows us to shape and sculpt in ways that were never before possible. When you combine a tummy tuck with SAFELipo, we can truly transform your body. We’ve even had patients say that they look better than they did before children.

Am I a Good Candidate for the Tummy Tuck 360™?

The Tummy Tuck 360™ will result in a total torso transformation, but patients considering it should
know that it is more involved and more expensive than a traditional tummy tuck. Generally, good candidates for the Tummy Tuck 360™:

  • Want to transform their figure from the front and the back
  • Want dramatic results, yet natural looking results

We can help you determine if the Tummy Tuck 360™ is the right choice for you. If not, we can recommend a different procedure that may be more appropriate.

Do you want to look as good from the back as you do from the front? If so, you don’t need atraditional tummy tuck; you need the Tummy Tuck 360™. Call us today and schedule your consultation at Restora Austin.

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