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Mommy Makeover Series: Tummy Tuck/Liposuction

Having a baby changes the body from head to toe, but the tummy is often the biggest concern for many of our patients. Women miss their tight, flat abdomen and wish they could get it back. Many complain that they look permanently pregnant, even years after their last delivery. If this sounds like you, contact us and schedule a mommy makeover consultation. During your consultation, we’ll discuss the tummy tuck/liposuction combination, one of the best ways to get your pre-pregnancy belly back. Call and schedule your consultation with Dr. Reid or Dr. Gordon today.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, reshapes and restores the abdomen. It is a common addition to a mommy makeover and is often requested by patients after weight loss. We perform tummy tucks at INSPIRE Surgery Centre, our fully accredited surgery center. Many patients return home the same day, but some, especially those receiving multiple treatments, will need to stay overnight.

Here’s what you can expect to happen during your tummy tuck:

  • Step 1- Anesthesia by a board certified anesthesiologist.
  • Step 2- An incision is made in the pubic area, extending from hip to hip. A second incision is made around the belly button. If you’ve had a C-section, we’ll remove the scar. Our goal is a bikini-ready body, so your incision will be rather low, lower than a C-section scar.
  • Step 3- The abdominal muscles are tightened with internal sutures. This will provide long lasting support after surgery.
  • Step 4- Excess skin below the belly button is removed. You’ll have fewer stretch marks after surgery. The remaining skin is tightened and pulled downward.
  • Step 5- The belly button is repositioned and the incisions are closed. Many patients also opt for SAFELipo to further contour the abdominal area.

We perform many types of abdominoplasty including a mini tummy tuck, traditional abdominoplasty, and our signature Tummy Tuck 360.

For Even Better Tummy Tuck Results, Ask About the Tummy Tuck 360

A tummy tuck provides a dramatic transformation to the abdomen, but as you know, pregnancy doesn’t just change the belly. Many women notice changes to their entire trunk. You probably have love handles or bra rolls that you’d like to eliminate too. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon have developed a one-of-a-kind tummy tuck that treats the entire middle, front, back, and sides. It’s called the Tummy Tuck 360.

The Tummy Tuck 360 combines traditional abdominoplasty with SAFELipo to truly provide a “Before Baby Body” result. It’s the best solution for patients that want an all-around body contouring solution. We like to call it our “shrink wrap” procedure.

Tummy tuck + liposuction = your pre-baby body back. Your bikini days didn’t end when you had a baby. They just took a little break. We’ll help you rediscover them. Call today!

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