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5 Medical Reasons for a Mommy Makeover

Wanting to look and feel your best after baby isn’t anything to be ashamed about. The cosmetic benefits alone of a mommy makeover make this procedure well worth the effort. However, cosmetic benefits are only the tip of the mommy makeover iceberg. Discover the medical benefits of this procedure below. 

When you’re ready to transform your body after baby, both in appearance and function, call Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre at 512-371-8817 or fill out our contact form online

Resolve Back and Neck Pain from Oversized Breasts

Many women lose breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding, but not all. Women with naturally abundant breast tissue may find they are more blessed after pregnancy than they were before. If your “blessing” becomes a curse, breast reduction surgery as part of your mommy makeover can bring relief. 

Oversize breasts aren’t just a cosmetic issue. Women with large breasts often struggle with back and neck pain, rashes under the breasts, and a difficulty exercising comfortably. Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast tissue and skin while lifting and reshaping the breasts. 

Stop Urinary Leakage Due to Pelvic Floor Weakness

Do trampolines and spontaneous laughter strike fear? For many women with stress urinary incontinence, life’s little pleasures are no longer as pleasurable. They live in constant fear of another accident, especially if it occurs at an inopportune time. 

A mommy makeover could be your solution to those unwanted bouts of urinary leakage. In one recent study, a tummy tuck resolved serious concerns about urinary incontinence for all but 2% of women.  Improvement happens quickly after surgery and is usually seen within the first 6 weeks. 

For non-surgical improvement of urinary incontinence, consider THERMIVa, a radio-frequency treatment that tightens vaginal tissues and improves incontinence. 

Reduce Discomfort and Irritation Between the Legs During Exercise

Stretched out labia, a common occurrence after pregnancy and childbirth, can lead to significant irritation and discomfort during activities like running, biking, and horseback riding. Some women experience painful sex due to friction from an enlarged labia minora. 

Labiaplasty, a cosmetic procedure that reshapes and resizes the labia, is the solution for many women. This procedure can enhance the appearance of the labia minora or majora (inner and outer lips of the vagina) and alleviates discomfort and irritation from friction to these sensitive areas. Vaginal rejuvenation, including labiaplasty, is frequently a part of our mommy makeover. 

Improve Posture by Strengthening Weak Abdominal Muscles

The abdomen stretches and expands rapidly during pregnancy. This rapid growth can damage and separate the two paired abdominal muscles, significantly weakening the core. When core muscles are weakened by pregnancy, maintaining good posture may no longer be possible. A tummy tuck repairs damage to the abdominal muscles, repairing separation and strengthening the core. 

Many of our tummy tuck patients report an improvement in posture after their surgery. This improvement can translate to a reduction of back pain symptoms as well. 

Better Body = Increased Health Motivation

Let’s face it, keeping up with fitness goals isn’t easy, especially when you have little ones running around. What if a mommy makeover could help? We find that when a woman looks and feels her best, that maintaining appearance is easier. A tighter, flatter tummy and perkier breasts may be the motivation you need to hit the gym and eat right. 

Our mommy makeovers are completely customized. You’ll work directly with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to create body goals and select procedures to fulfill them. Our patients can pick and choose between the many procedures we offer to create a customized surgical plan for post-baby rejuvenation. 

Call Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre to schedule your mommy makeover in Austin, TX.

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