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4 Beautiful Breast Options after Breast Implant Removal

There’s a wealth of reasons why patients may opt for implant removal. From some, changing body shapes following pregnancy or aging can impact the position of previously placed implants. For others, medical concerns such as capsular contracture or infection require implant removal in order to protect a patient’s overall wellbeing. Some women have experienced changes in their preferences over time and have found that their implants no longer serve them.

Implant removal surgery will undoubtedly change your breast shape and size. While some individuals may prefer to return to their natural breast size, others may find that other options are better suited to their ultimate figure goals. During your initial consultation, our Austin plastic surgeons outline the options available to each patient and advise them on the advantages and potential risks associated with each. Depending on your condition as well as long-term aesthetic objectives, Restora Austin plastic surgeons may recommend one of these top post-breast implant treatments.

Implant Replacement

For some patients, life without implants is a non-option. Replacing older implants with new ones helps patients continue to enjoy their enhanced look without interruption. Implant exchange is often recommended for individuals whose implants are reaching retirement, those who experienced some complications with their initial treatment, or those who are ready to change their implant size or shape but don’t want to lose much breast volume.  As the procedure uses previous incision sites and existing implant pockets, patients can expect faster recovery than their initial augmentation surgery.

Breast Lift

Increasing breasts with implants can impact skin elasticity as well as nipple and areola size. When patients remove their implants, this can cause breasts to appear sagging and deflated while causing the nipples or areolas to appear disproportionate to the resulting breast size. To help remedy this unwanted side effect, our plastic surgeons may recommend a breast lift following implant removal. Unlike other augmentation treatments, this procedure reconstructs the muscle and skin to physically lift the breast into a more sculpted and natural-looking position on the chest.

Breast Reduction

The addition of implants can create back and neck problems later on. As a result, one of the most common reasons for implant removal is size reduction. To help reconstruct the post-implant breast into a more comfortable position and size, a breast reduction is a popular option. Similar to breast lift procedures, reduction removes excess tissue in order to sculpt the natural tissue into a more manageable size and position.

Breast Reconstruction

There is a middle ground between breast implants and natural breasts. For patients who want to enjoy an enhanced breast size without implants, our surgeons may recommend fat transfer or flap breast reconstruction. These solutions use tissue from other parts of the body to increase the size of the breasts while retaining a natural look. While these options will not provide the same size as traditional implants, they are an excellent option for women who want to enjoy enhanced breast contours without implants. Additionally, as both use tissue from the patient’s own body, these procedures have a lower risk of complication.

Explore Your Options at Restora

Whatever your reasons are for wanting your implants removed or replaced, our Austin plastic surgeons are here to help. The team at Restora Austin is uniquely experienced in all forms of breast augmentation and reconstruction and can recommend procedures that will help you reach your aesthetic goals. To learn more about life after breast implant removal and to explore all available options, be sure to call our office or schedule a consultation online today!

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