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The Ultimate Guide to Picking the Size of Your Breast Implants

Not too big and not too small, our goal is to help you find breast implants that fit “just right”. How do we do this? We’ll work closely with you during your consultation to evaluate your needs and desires regarding breast size and the look you want. This isn’t a decision you should make quickly. Take your time and really evaluate the look you want from your new breasts. Don’t make this decision alone; we’ll work with you to ensure that you choose perfectly sized implants.

The Problem with Too Big or Too Small

Finding the right size for your implants is so important. Choose implants that are too small and you’ll be disappointed by your results, but if you go too big, you may experience back pain and discomfort. Finding the right balance is key to great results, and the right size differs for every woman. Your anatomy, your aesthetic preferences, and even your lifestyle can impact your ideal breast size. Take your time and do your research to ensure a good fit.

Cup Size Doesn’t Matter

What’s your ideal cup size? Many patients tell us that they want to be a 36C or a 34D, or some other size, during their consultation. The reality is, cup size doesn’t matter. Focus instead on the look you want. It can be helpful to find photos of friends or models that have similarly sized breasts to your ideal. Our before and after breast augmentation photos can also help you to choose breast size. We can’t guarantee that you’ll be a specific size after surgery, but we can work with you to get the look of your breasts just right.

“Test Drive” Your Implants

Before you come in for your breast augmentation consultation, spend a little time “trying on” breast sizes. We recommend the rice test, an uncomplicated way to size implants at home. Cut the boot section off a pair of pantyhose and fill with rice. These “sizers” can be placed into a sports bra to simulate breast implants. Experiment with different rice volumes and clothing choices. Take notes and bring your findings with you to your consultation.

Size definitely matters when it comes to breast implants! Call us today and schedule your consultation at Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre for personalized advice on the right size implants for you.

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