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5 Tips for Recovering from Plastic Surgery During the Summer

For many of our patients, summer is an ideal time for plastic surgery. You may have time off from work or school or some vacation time to use for recovery. The lazy days of summer are ideal for improving your look! If you’re planning a summertime procedure, read this guide. We’ve put together five of our favorite tips for recovering from plastic surgery during the summer. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep Cool

Austin summers can get HOT! Do you best to stay indoors in cooler temperatures as you recover from your surgery. Many body contouring patients will need to wear extra layers of bandaging or compression garments as they recover from surgery, making the warmer weather feel even hotter. You’ll be much more comfortable and will recover more easily if you stay indoors and keep cool!

Stay Hydrated

Good hydration is always important, but even more so before and after surgery. Dehydration can increase nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms after surgery. Proper hydration can help your body to heal more rapidly. During the summer, you need more water than at other times of the year. Surgery can also increase your water needs. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. We recommend stocking your fridge with plenty of water and other favorite non-alcoholic drinks.

Take it Easy

Summer is a busy time for many of our patients. If you’re planning plastic surgery this summer, plan on a low-key summer. Give yourself time to heal and don’t overschedule. Most patients are back to full activity within six weeks of surgery.

Stay Out of the Sun

Summer means sun, but not if you’ve had recent plastic surgery. Surgery can disrupt the circulation around a treated area, making it more prone to sunburn. Incisions and scars can darken or turn red, along with becoming more prominent if they are exposed to the sun too soon. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. If you need to be outside, cover up with layers of clothing and a hat. Always use sunscreen. You’ll need to be careful with your incisions while they are still pink, typically the first several months after surgery.

No Swimming for You

You’ll need to stay out of pools, spas, lakes, and the ocean for several weeks after surgery. These standing bodies of water can harbor pathogens and increase your risk of infection. Showers are fine once you’ve been cleared by your surgeon, but pools are no-go for a few weeks. Don’t worry. Your new look is worth the sacrifice. You will spend some time this summer healing, but next summer will be gorgeous!

Are you thinking about summertime plastic surgery? Give us a call and schedule your consultation at Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre.

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